Self-Care is not only taking care of yourself physically, we need to take care of ourselves biologically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. Self-care is not just drinking water, eating three meals a day, exercising, and getting eight hours of sleep. Self-care brings us joy, feeds our soul, and empties our bucket.
Examples of self-care:
Creating a morning routine.
Create an evening routine.
Drink your coffee in silence.
Go for a hike or a long walk.
Go to the beach.
Take a long, hot shower or bath.
Get a massage or have a spa day.
Paint your nails.
Have an entire “self-care day” dedicated to all things that bring you joy.
Go to therapy.
Take a weekend away.
Take the weekend off of work.
Spend time with a friend.
So “no” to stressful things.
Snuggle your pet.
Learn to play an instrument.
“No makeup and sweatpants day.”
“Slumber Party”: Take your comforter from your bed and drag it out into the living room, making a cozy bed on the floor with popcorn and your favorite snacks, and watch a movie.